Publications by Nathan Mooij

"The ultimate joy of publishing your work and share your ideas with the world is absolutely amazing" 

                                                                                                                             - Nathan Mooij

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"More than meets the eye" by Naked Eye Project

Are you also fascinated by what happens when you look into someone’s eyes? You can drown in them. Or they can be eyes that look away. They can be intoxicating, or they seem to look straight through you. Why do we make or avoid eye contact? And does what we see in a person’s left eye differ from what we see in their right eye? Can we see emotion in the right eye which is connected to the emotional right hemisphere of the brain? And do we see a visible connection of rational left hemisphere in the left eye?


We invite you to look at the portraits in this book and let us know what you see.


New York - Concrete jungle where memories are made

A book with the travel-photography and street-portraits captured while walking through the beautiful and energetic city of New York- Manhattan and Brooklyn. Fall in love with the power and sweetness of this city, like i did